Friday 29 November 2013


So there I was on Google, minding my own business, searching for topics of discussion. Out of nowhere it came up, an image of “superdad”. This was a first to me, as am only use to superman. I ignored it and continued my mission, desperate now, I pondered on “superdad” was this a cartoon that never aired in my country? Or did it aired that year our cable had cut? Desperate times, calls for desperate measures. I decided to create my own criteria’s of a” SuperDad”.
·        Unlike Clark Kent, he wears not an “S” on his chest, he knows his responsibilities and chose to do it discreetly.  

  •   He gets the child what is needed and not what’s always wanted.
  •  From a distance he will watch the child fall, but catches him before he hits rock bottom. All to teach the lesson of “life”
  •   Regardless of the relationship with him and the child’s mother, he never talks bad about her in front of the child.
  •  Unlike Clark, he need not go into a telephone booth to change character. His character must be easily recognisable by his traits.
  •  He takes no credits for his actions but rather categories it as “My fatherly duty”
  • He listens to his child, not only the vocal language but also the verbal one.
  • He loves his child unconditionally, and takes an oath to be there for him/her from the time he impregnate the woman

I’m honestly not sure if there were a cartoon called “superdad”, if not I can see this character in a marvel comic book. Those are the characteristic I believe of a “superdad”, though never had one; they were very identifiable because I had a Supermom”! 


  1. Triston, I think you should do a part two and call it "Super-Mom-Dad" and talk more about your extraordinary experiences growing up with a single mother.

  2. I like that idea emmerson, i definitely will consider it
